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Click here to download the 2018-2019 Team Handbook



  • All athletes must sign up for the swim team on Final Forms and complete all required waivers and forms on the site.


  • All athletes must turned in a completed OHSAA physical form to the athletic office in order to participate.


  • All athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA to be eligible for competition. Athletes with less than a 2.0 GPA will be eligible to remain on the team, but cannot compete, and will be placed into Academic probation, requiring weekly academic meetings with the coach and/or athletic staff, and weekly grade reports completed and signed by all teachers. 


  • Athletes with less than a 3.0 GPA will be eligible to complete, but will be required to attend weekly academic progress meetings with the coach and/or athletic staff. 



  • Swimmers must maintain 60% practice attendance in order to remain on the team and compete in meets. 


  • Swimmers must maintain 80% practice attendance in order to earn a varsity letter and be eligible for the Sectional Team. 


  • Meets are mandatory. If there are conflicts with other school functions, talk to the coach as soon as possible. 





Who: Athletes who are new to the sport and do not yet know how to swim, but are interested in the swim team.



  • Complete one length of the pool swimming freestyle

  • Complete one length of the pool using only flutter kick on your back

  • Advance to the Blue Group



  • Willing to commit to the team and learn how to swim

  • Participate in all team functions and attend all meets until you are ready to compete and train


Training Focus: Swimmers will participate in basic swim lessons to develop comfort and the water and basic freestyle skills. 




Who: Athletes who are new to the sport of swimming and are still developing their skills and confidence as a swimmer.



  • Develop proper, race-ready freestyle

  • Learn and refine basic race skills (flip turns, streamlines, breakouts, tactics, racing starts)

  • Participate in the 50 Freestyle,100 Freestyle, and 200 Freestyle at meets when ready

  • Begin to learn other strokes 

  • Advance to the Gold Group



  • Can swim 1 lap of the pool without stopping

  • Can make it through 2 hours of instructional work


Training Focus: Athletes will work hard, but the primary focus will be to refine proper swimming technique while learning basic race skills. Athletes will focus primarily on refining and competing in Freestyle events.




Who: Athletes with some prior swimming experience, who still need to refine their technique and learn all of the strokes but are ready for more intense swim training.



  • Refine freestyle & basic race skills

  • Learn and/or refine backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly

  • Participate in events beyond the 50 & 100 Freestyle

  • Qualify for the sectional team with aspirations of advancing in the state tournament



  • Some past swimming experience (Summer Team, Middle School Team, High School Team).

  • Has a proficient freestyle and at least a basic grasp on the other strokes


Training Focus: Athletes will continue to refine their technique, develop race skills, and learn all four strokes, but will also begin training to develop speed, endurance, and overall fitness required to compete at the highest levels of the sport.


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